Hire the best IT pro talent easier.
Every time.
Let MeasureUp’s IT assessments help you hire the right candidate and make your selection process quicker, smarter and more objective.

Let MeasureUp’s IT assessments help you hire the right candidate and make your selection process quicker, smarter and more objective.
Take the unconscious bias out of the equation with iTalentUp and hire the best candidate every time. Make sure you never miss out on exceptional talent again, by ensuring that your selection process is as objective as possible.
Easy for candidates.
Comfortable for you.
Share access and make it easy for candidates so they simply have to log in to the app and take the test. When they finish the process, you can send them their results along with your comments.
The iTalentUp database, which takes its content from MeasureUp’s extensive catalog, contains more than 16,000 questions on currently trending technologies.
Optimize time spent on interviews by performing various technical tests simultaneously and remotely, with instant results.
Human Resources departments can create selection tests easily and without the need for any technical knowledge.
Gain access to the most up-to-date questions from MeasureUp, the industry-recognized supplier of technical practice tests for official certification exams.
«iTalentUp allows us to create recruitment processes and manage candidates quickly and easily. At a glance we get the information we need to make decisions. Growth and productivity have multiplied.»